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B.Sc. in Computer Science And Engineering

CSE- Program, Courses and Credit Hours

Curriculum for Computer Science & Engineering.

Foundation Courses:
There are 6 (Six) foundation courses designed so far. These courses are:

ENG 1100 English

ENG 1101 Intensive English Language Course (IELC)

BBA 1102 Business Studies

BBA 1103 Economic Geography

BBA 3208 Management and Accounting

CSE 4207 Computer and Society

Optional Courses:
There are following seven courses from which one can be chosen as an optional course of CSE 4208. These are:

CSE 4208.1 Pattern Recognition

CSE 4208.2 Computer Aided Design

CSE 4208.3 Neural Networks

CSE 4208.4 Fault Tolerant Computing

CSE 4208.5 Computer Architecture

CSE 4208.6 Simulation &modeling

CSE 4208.7 E-commerce

Minor Courses:
The minor courses currently provided for the students are as follows:

PHY 1103 Physics-I: Electricity, Magnetism & Electrical Circuits

PHY 1104 Physics-I Laboratory

PHY 1203 Physics-II: Structure of matter, wave and oscillations and physical optics

MATH 1107 Mathematics-I: Differential Calculus & Co-ordinate Geometry

MATH 1207 Mathematics-II: Integral Calculus & Ordinary Differential equations

MATH 2107 Mathematics-III: Matrices and Vectors

MATH 2207 Mathematics-IV: Laplace Transforms and Fourier Analysis

STAT 1208 Statistics

STAT 2208 Probability


Core Courses:
The core or major courses that are required for the B. Sc. Eng. degree are as follows:

CSE 1101 Computer Fundamentals

CSE 1102 Computer Fundamentals Lab.

CSE 1105 Computer Programming - I

CSE 1106 Computer Programming - I Lab

CSE 1201 Computer Programming - II

CSE 1202 Computer Programming -II Lab

CSE 1205 Digital Systems

CSE 1206 Digital Systems Lab

CSE 2101 Electronic Device and circuits

CSE 2102 Electronic Device and Circuits Lab

CSE 2103 Data Structures

CSE 2104 Data Structure Lab

CSE 2106 Discrete Mathematics

CSE 2201 Operating System

CSE 2202 Operating System Lab

CSE 2203 Database System

CSE 2204 Database System Lab

CSE 2210 Assembly Language Programming Lab

CSE 3101 Object Oriented Programming

CSE 3102 Object Oriented Programming Lab

CSE 3103 Computer Organization

CSE 3104 Computer Organization Lab

CSE 3105 Algorithms

CSE 3106 Algorithms Lab

CSE 3107 Microcomputers & Microprocessors

CSE 3108 Microcomputers & Microprocessors Lab

CSE 3201 Compiler Design

CSE 3202 compiler Design Lab

CSE 3203 Data Communications

CSE 3204 Object Oriented programming lab-II

CSE 3205 Numerical Methods

CSE 3206 Information Systems

CSE 3207 Engineering Drawing

CSE 4000 Project

CSE 4101 Peripherals & Interfacing

CSE 4102 Peripherals & Interfacing Lab

CSE 4103 Computer Network

CSE 4104 Computer Network Lab

CSE 4105 VLSI Design

CSE 4106 Software Engineering

CSE 4201 Instrumentation & control

CSE 4202 Instrumentation & control Lab

CSE 4203 Artificial Intelligence

CSE 4204 Artificial Intelligence Lab

CSE 4205 Computer Graphics

CSE 4206 Computer Graphics Lab



CSE 1101:

Computer Fundamentals (3 hours per week, 3 credits, Final examination: 100 marks, 3 hours)

Introduction, Basics organization, types, history and generations of computers, Hardware and Software, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal number systems and conversion of numbers between different systems. Binary arithmetic BCD and alphanumeric codes. Logic function: OR, AND, NAND, NOR, EXOR, EXNOR.

Components of microcomputers, motherboard and the CPU, expansion slots and cards, Display systems and their characteristics, Printer: types, resolution, butter etc, main memory, Disk: types, capacities, drives, keyboard, mouse, OMR, Scanner and other input devices.

Software classifications: System and application software, operating systems: functions, components, types, examples, utilities. Introduction to DOS and windows. Programming languages and translators. Application packages: types, characteristics and examples. Introduction to any one word processing and any one-spreadsheet analysis package.

CSE 1102:

Computer Fundamentals Lab: (4 hours per week, 2 credits, Final examination: 100 marks,6 hours)

Laboratory works based on CSE 1101.

PHY 1103:

Physics-1: Electricity, Magnetism and Electrical circuits (3 hours per week, 3credits Final examination: 3 hours, 100 marks)

Electric current and Ohm's Law: Nature of electricity, Modern Electron theory idea of Electric potentials. Resistance, Laws of series resistance, Effect of temperature on resistance, Ohm's Law, Definition of Ohm, Ampere and Volt, Resistance in Parallel. Work, Power and Energy: Heating effect of Electric Current. Joule's Law, Quantity of Electricity, Electric Power, Electrical Energy.

Electrostatics: Coulomb's Law, Electric Field, Electric Flux and Gauss's Theorem, The Equation of Poisson and Laplace, Electric Potential and energy, Potential Gradient, Breakdown Voltage and Dielectric Strength. Capacitors and Dielectrics: capacitance, Calculating capacitance, Parallel-plate Capacitors with dielectrics, Dielectric and Gauss's Law, Three Electric Vectors, Energy Storage in an Electric field. Charging and discharging of a Capacitor. Time Constant.

Magnetism and Electromagnetism: Magnetic field, Pole Strength. Magnetic Potential. Flux Density, Absolute and Relative permeability, intensity of Magnetization, Susceptibility, Relation between H,B,I and K. magnetic Effect of Electric Current. Force on a current conductor lying in a magnetic field. Basic Principle of galvanometer. Ampere's Law, Biot-Sarvart Law, Magnetic Circuit, Ampere-turns, Comparison Curves.

Electromagnetic Induction: Faraday's Law of induction. Lenz's Law. Self inductance and Mutual inductance. Inductance in series and parallel, Basic principle of A.C. Generators. Electromotive force and D.C. Circuit: Electromotive force calculating the current, Kirchhoff's Law, Electric circuit and network theorems, Superposition theorem, Thevenin's theorem, Norton's theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem.

A.C Fundamentals: Equations of the alternating voltage and current, Frequency, time-period, amplitude, different forms of emf equation, phase, RMS value, average value, form factor.

PHY 1104:

Physics-I Lab: (2 hours per week, 1 credit, Final examination: 6 hours, 100marks)

Laboratory works based on CSE 1103.

CSE 1105:

Programming-I: (3 hours per week, 3 credits. Final examination: 3hours, 100 marks)

Introduction to structured programming language, general idea about compilers, editors etc. introduction to programming language C: constants, variable, and data, types, operators and expression, managing input and output operators, decision making and branching, decision making and looping, arrays, handling of character string.

CSE 1106:

Programming Lab: (4 hours per week, 2 credits. Final examination:6 hours,100 marks)

Laboratory works based on CSE 1105.

MATH 1107:

Mathematics-I: Differential Calculus & Co-ordinate Geometry (3 hours per week, 3credits, Final examination: 3 hours, 100 marks)

Differential Calculus:

Limits, continuity and differentiability, Successive differentiation of various types of function. Liebnitz's theorem, Roll's theorem. Mean value theorem. Taylor's theorem infinite and infinite forms. Maclaurine's theorem in finite infinite forms. Lagrage's form of remainders. Cauchy's forms of remainder's. Expansion of functions. Evaluation of indeterminate forms of L'Hospital's rule. Partial differentiation. Euler's theorem, Tangent & Normal. Subtangent & subnormal in Cartesian and polar co-ordinate. Determination of maximum and minimum values of functions and points of inflexion. Application, curvature, radius of curvature. Center for curvature.

Co-ordinate Geometry:

Change of axes: Transformation of co-ordinates, simplification of equations of curves.

Pair of straight lines: Conditions under which general equations of the second degree may represent a pair of straight line. Homogeneous equations of second degree. Angle between the pair of lines. Pair of line joining the origin to the point of intersections of two given curves. System of circles: orthogonal circles, radical axes, radical center, properties of radical axes, coaxial circles and limiting points, equations of ellipse and hyperbola in Cartesian and polar co-ordinates . Tangent and normal, pair of tangent, chord of contact, chord in terms of its middle points, parametric co-ordinates. Diameters. Conjugate diameters and their properties. Director circles and asymptotes.

CSE 1201:

Programming-II :(2 hours per week, 2 credits. Final examination:3 hours,100 marks)

Problem solving technique, algorithm specification and development. Programming style, debugging, documentation, program design, methodologies, structured and modular program design. Programming languages and paradigms: Classification, assembler and translators, source and object programs, structured languages, procedural and non-procedural programming. Programming Language C: Data types, operations and conversions, statements, array pointers and strings, functions, preprocessor, arrays of pointers, structure, union and bit-field, external files.

CSE 1202:

Programming Lab-II:(4 hours per week, 2 credits. Final examination:6 hours,100 marks)

Laboratory works based on CSE 2101

PHY 1203:

Physics-II: Structure of Matter, Wave & Oscillations and physical Optics(3 hours per week, 3 credits. Final examination:3 hours,100 marks)

Structure of Matter: States of matter: solid, liquid and gas, classification of solids: amorphous, crystalline, ceramics & polymers. Atomic arrangement in solids, Different types of bonds in solid: metallic, Vender Walls, covalent and ionic bond, packing in solids, inter atomic distances and forces of equilibrium. X-ray diffraction, Bragg's law, plasticity and elasticity. Distinction between metal, insulator and semiconductor.

Waves & Oscillations: Oscillations: simple harmonic motion, damped simple harmonic oscillations, forced oscillations, resonance vibrations of membranes & columns, combination & composition of simple harmonic motion, Lissajous figures, transverse and longitudinal nature of waves, travelling & standing waves, intensity of wave, energy calculation of progressive & stationary waves phase velocity, group velocity. Sound Waves: velocity of longitudinal wave in a gaseous medium. Dopler effect. Architectural acoustics: Sabin's formula, requisites of a good auditorium.

Physical Optics: Theories of light: Huygen's principle and construction. Interference of light: Youngs double slit experiment. Frenel bi-prism. Newton's ring, interferometers. Diffraction of light: Fresnel and Fraunhoffer diffraction, diffraction by single slit, diffraction by double slit, diffraction gratings, polarization, production and analysis of polarized light , optical activity, optics of crystals.

CSE 1205:

Digital system ( 3 hours per week, 3 credits . Final examination : 3 hours 100 marks).

Introductory concepts, Binary, octal and hexadecimal number system, BCD,ASCII and EVCDIC codes, data representation.

Logic gates and Boolean algebra, combinational circuits, circuit design, using NAND and NOR gate only, trouble shooting case studies, minimization of switching function, algebraic simplification the k-map, VEKM, quine-McCluskey method.

NAND and NOR latch, clocked SC, JK, D and T filp-flops. FF timing consideration, master-slave FF, flip-flop application, frequency division and counting, trouble shooting case studies.

Asynchronous ripple up and down counters, counters with mod numbers, asynchronous IC counters, propagation delay. Parallel up, down and up/down counters. Presentable counters. The 74193 counter, decoding a counter. cascading counters, Shift registers, shift registers counters, frequency counter, digital clock, trouble shooting case studies.

MSI Logic circuit : BCD to decimal decoders, BCD to 7 segment decoder/devices, encoders, multiplexers, trouble shooting case studies.

Analog to Digital conversion, digital-ramp, successive-approximation, flash and tristate ADC digital to analogue conversion, circuits specification, applications, sample and hold circuits, analog multiplexers, data acquisition, digital voltmeter.

Integrated-Circuit Logic Families: TTL Logic family, standard TTL series characteristics, other TTL series, TTL loading rules, TTL open collector outputs, tristate TTL, the FCL family, digital MOSFET circuits, characteristics, CMOS circuits, CMOS tristate logic, TTL driving CMOS, CMOS driving TTL.

Memory Devices: semiconductor memory technologies, ROM architecture, timing and types of ROM, EPROM, EEPROM, ROM applications. RAM architecture, static and dynamic RAM, DRAM structure, operation and refreshing. expanding word size and capacity. Magnetic bubble and CCD memories, trouble shooting case studies.

Introduction to Sequential Circuits, formal representation of sequential circuits, Moore and Mealy models, analysis and synthesis of synchronous sequential circuits.

CSE 1206:

Digital Systems Lab : (4 hours per week, 2 credits. Final examination:6 hours, 100 marks)

Laboratory works based on CSE 1204.

MATH 1207:

Mathematics -II: Integral Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equation (3 hours per weak, 3 credit ,Final examination: 3 hours, 100 marks).

Integral Calculus:

Definition of integration, integration by the method of substitution, integration by parts, standard integrals , integration by the method of successive reduction , definite integrals, its properties and use in summing series, Walli's formula , improper integrals, beta function and gamma function area under a plane curve in Cartesian and polar co-ordinates, area of the region enclosed by two curves in Cartesian and polar co-ordinates, parametric and pedal equation ,intrinsic equation, volumes of solids of revolution, volume of hollow solids of revolution by shell method , area of surface of revolution.

Ordinary Differential Equation:

Degree and order of ordinary differential equation, formation of differential equations, solutions of first order differential equation by various methods. Solutions of general liner equations of second and higher order with constant co-efficient, solution of homogenous liner equation , application.

Solution of differential equations of the higher order when the dependent and independent an independent variables are absent. Solution of differential equation by the method based on the factorization of the operators.

STAT 1208:

Statistics (2 hours per weak, 2 credits , Final examination: 3 hours, 100 marks).

Frequency Distribution:

Statistics, Population and sample, Discrete and continuous variables, Collection and presentation of statistical data, Tabulation of data, Class intervals and class limits, Class boundaries, The size of class interval, The class mask, General rules for forming frequency distributions, Histogram and frequency polygon, relative frequency distributions, Cumulative frequency distributions, Ogives, Relative cumulative frequency distributions, Frequency curves, Types of frequency curves.

Statistical Measures:

Measures of central tendency-The mean, median, mode, the weighted arithmetic mean, Properties of the arithmetic mean, Calculation of the mean, Median and mode from grouped data, The empirical relation between mean, median and mode, The geometric mean and the harmonic mean. The root mean square(r.m.s.).

Measures of Dispersion or variation:

The range, The mean deviation, The standard deviation, The variance, Short methods for computing the standard deviation, Properties of the standard deviation, Coefficient of the variation, Standardised variable.

Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis:

Moments, Moments for grouped data, Relation between moments, Computation of moments from grouped data, Skewness, Kurtosis, Population moments.

Correlation Theory:

Correlation and regression, Measures of correlation, The least square method of fitting a regression line, Coefficient of correlation, Product-moment formula for the linear correlation coefficient, Short computational formulae, Regression lines and the linear correlation, Least square method of curve fitting. Multiple and partial correlation.

CSE 2101:

Electronic Devices and Circuits: ( 3 hours per week, 3 credits. Final examination :3 hours 100 marks)

Network theorems and filter circuits: Thevenin's and Norton's theorems, Maximun power transfer theorem, RC high pass and low pass filters, band pass filters, Bridge T and twin T networks.

Transmission line, transmission line equation, characteristic impedance, transmission line velocity.

Basic semiconductor concepts, energy bands, electrons and holes, extrinsic and intrinsic semiconductor, semiconductor diode, I-V characteristics, rectification, filters, L and II filters, regulators, Zener diode, diode circuits clippers, clamps.

Transistors: Bipolar transistor action and its characteristics, unijunction transistor, FET and its characteristics.

Transistor amplifier: FET amplifier, operation points, biasing, bipolar transistor amplifier, biasing, loan line, Q-point, stability, Hybrid parameters: small single equivalent circuits, h-parameters CB, CE ,CC configuration, analysis of single stage transistor amplifier in terms of h-parameters.

Amplifier circuits: Voltage amplifiers, RC coupled amplifiers and tuned amplifiers, frequency response, bandwidth, power amplifier, push-pull amplifier, feed back and amplifier stability, operational amplifier and its characteristics, inverting and non inverting amplifiers.


amplitude modulation, transistor emitter modulation, AM transmitter, diode detection, average detection and envelope detection.

Digital Electronics: digital logic, logic gates, Boolean algebra, logic circuits, information registers, Flip-flop circuit.

CSE 2102:

Electronic Devices and circuit Lab: ( 4 hours per week, 2 credits, Final examination : 6 hours ,100 marks)

Laboratory works based on CSE 2101.

CSE 2103:

Data structure : ( 3 hours per week, 3 credits, Final examination: 3 hours , 100 marks)

concepts and examples, elementary data objects, elementary data structure:

Axiomization, ordered lists, sparse matrices, Representation of arrays, stacks, queues and recursion, Fundamentals, different types of stacks and queues: circular, dequeues, etc. evaluation of expression, multiple stacks and queues, recursion: direct and indirect recursion, depth of recursion, simulation of recursion, removable of recursion, Towers of Hanoi.

Linked list:

Singly linked lists, linked stacks and queues, the storage pool, polynomial addition, equivalence relation, sparse matrices, doubly linked lists and dynamic storage management, generalized lists, garbage collection and compaction.


Basic terminology, binary trees, binary tree representation, binary tree traversal, extended binary trees: 2-trees, internal and external path lengths, Huffman codes/ algorithm, threaded binary trees, binary trees representation of trees, application of trees: set representation , decision trees, game trees, Counting binary trees.


Introduction, definitions and terminology, graph representations, traversals, connected components and spanning trees, shortest path and transitive closure, activity networks, topological short and critical paths, enumerating all paths. Internal shorting: searching, bubble short, insertion sort, selection sort, quick sort, heap sort, 2-way merge sort, how fast we can sort? Sorting on several keys, practical considerations for internal sorting.

External sorting:

General idea, sorting with disk, K-way margin, buffer handling, for parallel operation, run generation, shorting with types: balanced merge shorts, polyphase merge, sorting with fewer then 3 tapes.

Symbol tables:

Static tree tables, dynamic tree tables: hash tables, hashing function, overflow techniques.


Files, queries and sequential organizations, indexing techniques, cylinder-surface indexing, hashed indexed, tree indexing B-trees, tree indexing.

CSE 2104

Data structure Lab: ( 4 hours per week, 2 credits, Final examination : 6 hours 100 marks)

Laboratory work based on CSE 2103.

CSE 2105:

Discrete Mathematics: (3 hours per week , 3 credits. Final examination: 3 hours, 100 marks)

Theory of Sets: Basic concepts, sets and elements, Venn diagram, set operations, algebra of sets, duality, classes of sets, power set.

Introduction to Principles of Mathematical Introduction .

Relations : Basic concepts, pictorial representation of relations , inverse relations, composite relations, partitions, properties of relations.

Functions: Basic concepts, Graphs of functions, one-to-one, one-to-functions.

Combinatorial Analysis: Fundamental principle of counting, functional and counting, permutations and combinations. Binomial Theorem, Fibonacci Number, Harmonic Number, Generating Function, Recurrence Relation.

Posets and Lattices: Partial ordered sets, lattices, bounded lattices, distributed lattices.

Prepositional and Predicate Calculus: Statements and Compound statements, conjunctions, disjunction, negation, propositions and truth-table, tautologies and contradictions, logical equivalence, algebra of propositions, conditionals and biconditionals, logical implications, theory of inference of propositional calculus, predicates, statement functions, variables and quantifiers, predicate formulas , free and bound variables, theory of inference for the predicate calculus,

Introduction to graphs and trees.

Algebraic Systems: Operations, semigroups, groups, subgroups, isomorphism, automorphism, homomorphisms, introduction to rings and fields.

MATH 2107:

Mathematics-III Matrixes and Vectors (2 hours per week, 2 credits. Final examination:3 hours , 100 marks)


Definition of matrix, different types of matrix, algebra and matrix, adjoint and inverse of a matrix, rank and elementary transformations of matrix, normal and canonical forms. Solution of linear equations, matrix polynomials. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors.


Scalars and Vectors, addition and subtraction of vectors. Multiplication of vectors by scalars. scalar and vector product of two vectors and their geometrical interpretation. Triple products and Multiple products. Linear dependence and independence of vectors differentiation and integration of vectors together with elementary applications. Definitions and line surface and volume integrals, gradient, divergence and curl of point functions. Various formulae. Gausse's theorem, Stroke's theorem, Green's theorem.

CSE 2201 :

Operating systems : (3 hours per week, 3 credits. Final examination: 3 hours, 100 marks)

Principle of operating systems, design objectives, sequential processors, concurrent processes, concurrency, functional mutual exclusion, processor cooperation and deadlocks, processor management, control and scheduling of large information processing systems, resource allocation, dispatching, processor access methods, job control languages, memory management, memory addressing, paging and store multiplexing, multiprocessing and time sharing, batch processing, scheduling algorithms, file systems, protection and security, design and implementation methodology, performance evaluation and case studies.

CSE 2202 :

Operating System Lab : (4 hours per week, 2 credits. Final examination : 6 hours, 100 marks)

Laboratory work based on CSE 2201.

CSE 2203 :

Database System: (3 hours per week, 3 credits. Final examination : 3 hours, 100 marks)

Introduction :

Purpose of databases systems, data abstraction, data models, instances and schemes, data independencies, data definition language and data manipulation language, database manager, database administrator, database user, overall system structure, advantages and disadvantages of a database systems.

Relational Entity-Model :

Entities and entity sets, relationship and relationship sets, attributes, mapping, constrains, keys, Entity-Relationship diagram, reducing of E-R diagram to tables, generalization, aggregation, design of an .E-R database scheme.

Relational Model:

Structure of Relational Database, the Relational algebra, the Tuple relational calculus, the domain relational calculus, Modifying the database, Views.

Relational Commercial language: SQL, Query-by-example, Quel.

Relational database design:

Pitfalls in Relational Database design, normalization using functional dependencies, normalization using Multilevel Dependencies, normalization using join dependencies.

File and System Structure:

Overall system structure, Physical storage media, File organization, Organization of records into blocks, Sequential files, Mapping Relational data to files, data dictionary, storage buffer management.

Indexing and hashing:

Basic concepts, indexing ,B+ tree index files, B-tree index files, Static and dynamic Hash function, comparison of indexing and Hashing , Index definition in SQL, Multiple key access.

Query processing:

Query interpretation, equivalence of expressions, estimation of Query Processing Cost, estimation of Costs of access using indices, join strategies, join strategies for parallel processing, Structure of the query optimizer.

Concurrency control:

Schedules, Testing for Serializability, Lock-based protocols, Timestamp-based protocols, validation techniques, Multiple Granularity ,Multiversion Schemes of the database, design of distributed database, Transparency and Autonomy ,Distributed Query processing , Recovery in distributed systems, commit protocols , Concurrency Control ,Deadlock Handling.

CSE 2204 :

Database System Lab : (4 hours per week , 2 credits. Final examination : 6 hours , 100 marks)

Laboratory works based on CSE 2203.

MATH 2207:

Mathematics-IV: Laplace Transforms &Fourier Analysis ( 2 hours per week, 2 credits, Final examination : 3 hours, 100 marks)

Laplace transforms:

Definition, Laplace transforms of some elementary functions, sufficient conditions for existence of Laplace transforms. Laplace transforms of derivatives, the unit step function, periodic function, some special theorems on Laplace transforms. Partial fraction, solutions of differential equation by Laplace transforms. Evaluation of improper integrals.

Fourier Analysis:

Real and complex form. Finite transform, Fourier integral. Fourier transforms and their uses in solving boundary value problems.

STATE 2208:

Probability: (3 hours per week, 3 credit. Final examination: 3 hours,100 marks)

Elements of probability, meaning of probability, classical and empirical definition of probability, permutations, combinations and simple problems in probability set, sample space and event. Mutually exclusive and independent events, addition and multiplication law of probability. Conditional probability and Bayes theorem.

Random variable and probability function of random variable, distribution function, joint probability function, marginal and conditional distribution, stochastic independence, expected value and related theorem, moment generation function. Common probability distribution: Binomial, Poison, Normal, Exponential, Uniform law of large number and central limit theorem (simple cases). Stochastic Processes, Discrete Time Markov Chain, Birth-Death Process Queuing, Queuing Models: M/MI, M/M/C, M/G/I, M/D/I.

CSE 2210:

Assembly Language Programming Lab. (4 hours per week. 2 credits. Final Examination : 6 hours, 100 marks.)

Machine and Assembly Language instruction types and their formats, character representation instructions, instruction execution, machine language programming. Instruction sets and their implementations. The Assembly process, addressing methods. Subroutines, macros and files. I/O Programming, interrupts and concurrent processes.

CSE 3101:

Object Oriented Programming: (3 hours per week , 3 credits. Final examination: 3 hours, 100 marks)

Basic concepts, objects, polymorphism, inheritance, programming in C++, classes parameterized constructors, friend functions, multiple inheritance, passing objects to functions, arrays of object, pointer to objects, function and operator overloading, overloading constructor functions, references, inheritance, virtual functions and polymorphism, C++ streams, creating insertors and extractrors, formatting I/O, file I/O, dynamic allocation using new and delete, static class members, C++'s complex and BCD classes, the message based philosophy, C++'s memory models, using the VROOMM overlay technology, using command line compiler, compiler multiple file program.

CSE 3102:

Object Oriented Programming Lab:(4 hours per week, 2 credits. Final examination:6 hours, 100 marks)

Laboratory work based on CSE 3101.

CSE 3103:

Computer Organization: (3 hours per week,3credits, Final examination: 3 hours, 100 marks)

Fundamental of Computer Design:

Introduction, definition of performance, quantitative principles of computer design, job of a computer designer, fallacies and pitfalls, historical perspectives form

Processor Design :

Introduction : Processor organization, information representation, number formats; Instruction sets : instruction formats, instruction types, assembly language programming; Fixed point arithmetic : addition, subtraction, multiplication, division; ALU design : basic ALU organization, floating point arithmetic, arithmetic processor; Stack computers.

Control Design:

Introduction : instruction sequence, instruction interpretation; Hardware control : design methods, multiplier control unit, CPU control unit; Microprogrammed control : basic

concepts, control memory optimization, multiplier control unit; Microprogrammed computers: conventional and nanoprogrammed computers.

Memory Organization :

Review of primary and secondary memories; Memory hierarchies; High-speed memories : interleaved memories, caches, associative memories.

System Organization :

Communications : introduction, bus control; I/O systems : programmed I/O, DMA and interrupts, I/O processors.

Parallel Processing :

Basic concepts : introduction and types of parallel processors, performance consideration;

Pipeline processors and systolic arrays : pipeline structures, vector super computers; Microprocessors : multiprocessor architectures, fault tolerant computers.

RISC Processors :

Introduction, Data dependency, Addressing modes, Condition codes, Register sets, brief study of a standard RISC processor.

CSE 3104 :

Computer organization Lab : (4 hour per week, 2 credits, Final examination : 6 hours, 100 marks)

Laboratory work based on CSE 3103.

CSE 3105 :

Algorithms: (3 hours per week, 3 credits. Final examination : 3 hours, 100 marks)

Techniques for analysis of algorithms; Methods for the design of efficient algorithms : divide and conquer, greedy method, dynamic programming, backtracking, branch and bound, basic search and traversal techniques, graph algorithms. Algebraic simplification and transformation, lower bound theory, NP-hard and NP-complete problems.

CSE 3106 :

Algorithms Lab : (4 hours per week, 2 credits. Final examination : 6 hours, 100 marks)

Laboratory work based on CSE 3105.

CSE 3107 :

Microcomputer and Microprocessor : ( 3 hours per week , 3 credits. Final examination : 3 hours , 100 marks ) .

Microprocessors and Microcomputers, microprocessors applications . Intel 8086 Microprocessors : internal

architecture , register structure , programming model, addressing modes, instruction set, assembly language programming , condition tests, branches , control structures, procedure and parameter passage , macros, I/O control signals, I/O port organization and accessing , 8086 family of chips ,interrupts and interrupt handling , Coprocessors. idea of system design using 8086. an overview of Intel 80186, 80286,80386, 80486 and Pentium microprocessors. Characteristics of RISC processor ,overview of alpha processor .

Bus organized architecture of microcomputers , Microcomputer components, Video display systems and their characteristics, printer types, speed, buffer resolution , etc . motherboard with bus and expansion slots, disk drive and controller cards ,keyboard , mouse ,scanner, OMR and other input devices , power supply unit and cooling system , microcomputer applications , selection of hardware and software .

CSE 3108 :

Microcomputer and Microprocessor Lab : ( 4 hours per week , 2 credits . Final examination : 3 hours , 100 marks ) .

Laboratory work based on CSE 3107.

CSE 3201 :

Compiler design : ( 3 hours per week , 3 credits , Final examination : 3 hours, 100 marks ) .

The grammar of programming languages, lexical analysis, parsers, code emitters and interpretations, code of optimization, run time support, error management, translator writing systems. A small project.

CSE 3202 :

Compiler design Lab : (4 hours per week , 2 credits . Final examination : 6 hours ,100 marks )

Laboratory works based on CSE 3201.

CSE 3203 :

Data communication : (2 hours per week ,2 credits . Final examination : 3 hours ,100 marks )

Introduction to data communication networks , data communication network, Fourier analysis and bandwidth ; Transmission media ;twisted pair ;co-axial cable ,fiber optic cable , radio and micro waves . Amplitude phase and frequency shift keying .QAM , QPSK .signal encoding : PCM and DM .Analog and digital data transmission , Synchronous and Asynchronous serial data transmission , Simplex half -duplex , full duplex links ,public telecommunication networks and modems .RS 232C /RS 232D interfacing standard ,error detection : Parity and CRC . Farming Flow and error control.

frequency division synchronous time division and statistical time deviation multiplexing .Data communication networks ,switching techniques, non-linear optical devices ,optical switching and interconnection networks .

introduction to modulation techniques : pulse modulation : pulse amplitude modulation , pulse width modulation and pulse position modulation .TDM , FDM , OOK ,FSK,PSK, QPSK; Representation of noise ,

threshold effects in PCM and FM. Probability of error in pulse systems ,concept of channel coding and capacity. Asynchronous and synchronous communication. Hardware interfaces ,multiplexers ,concentrators and buffers. communication medium , fiber optics .

CSE 3204 :

Object Oriented programming lab-II : ( 2 hours per week ,1 credits , Final examination 6 hours ,100 marks )

Laboratory based works on CSE 3101 .

CSE 3205 :

Numerical Method : ( 3 hours per week , 3 credits . Final examination : 3 hours , 100 marks )

Floating point computation ,Floating point numbers , machine epsilon , sensitivity of problems and instability of certain algorithms .finite differences ,Interpolation and approximate integration , adaptive routes , solution of nonlinear equations . linear systems and matrix inversion easier value problems, least-squares and chebyshev approximation. Initial and boundary value problems in or binary differential equations.

CSE 3206:

Information Systems: (3 hours per week, 3 credits, final examination; 3 hours 100 marks)

Introduction :

To information systems, general design consideration of information systems.


System concepts and the information systems environment, information needs, the concepts of MIS, the system development life cycle, the role of the system analyst.

System Analysis:

Systems planning and the initial investigation, information gathering, the tools of structured and analysis, feasibility study. Cost-Benefit analysis.

System Design:

the process and stages of system design, input/output and forms design, file organization and data base design.

System Implementation:

System testing and quality assurance, implementation and software maintenance, hardware/software selection and the computer contract, project scheduling and software ; security, disaster/recovery, and ethics in system development.

Case studies of various information system such as: Library management system, inventory system, voter, identity management system, payroll system, etc.

CSE 3207:

Engineering Drawing : (4 hour per week, 2 credits. Final examination: 3 hours, 100 marks)

CSE 4101:

Peripherals and Interfacing : (3 hour per week, 3 credits. Final examination: 3 hours, 100 marks)

Organization of Microcomputer: Design and Operation of Interfacing between Computer and the outside world; Sensors, transducers and signal conditioning, Interfacing Memory, and I/O Devices such monitors, printers, disk drives and some other smrt interface cards; IEEE488 and other buses and interfacing Scientific Instruments, Study of Microcomputer?s Chips Microprocessor Development chips.

CSE 4102:

Perypherals & Interfacing Lab : (4 hours per week, 2 credits. Final examination: 6hours, 100 marks)

Laboratory works based on CSE 4101.

CSE 4103:

Computer Network : ( 3 hours perweek, 3 credits. Final examination: 3 hours, 100 marks)

Comuter Networks:

Introduction, types and evolution, computer communication architectureand protocols, OSI model and ts layers, TCP/IP protocol suit and operaton. Wide area networks: Addvessing routing, Local area networks: Technology, types, standars,medium acces tecniques and OSI mode.Localarea network and TCP/IP suite.


bridges and routers,routing trough bridges, connection oriented approach and connectionless approach. Internet services and software. Distributed applications: examples, electronic mail and X-400 services digital network:transmission structure, services and protocols, Brosdband ISDN, frame relay,cell relay and ATM cell, Introduction to radio and satellite network.

CSE 4104:

Computer Network Lab : ( 2 hours perweek, 1 credits. Final examination: 6 hours, 100 marks)

Laboratory works based on CSE 4103.

CSE 4105:

VLSI Design : (3 hours per week, 3 credits. Final examination: 3 hours, 100 marks)

Design and analysis techniques for VLSI circuits. Design of reliable VLSI circuits, noise considerations, design and operation of large fan out and fan in circuits, clocking methodologies, techniques for data path and data control design. Simulation techniques. Parallel processing, special purpose architecture in VLSI . VLSI layouts partitioning and placement routing and wiring in VLSI. Reliability aspects of VLSI design.

CSE 4106:

Software Engineering : (3 hours per week, 3 credits. Final examination: 3 hours, 100 marks)

Concepts of software engineering: requirements definition, modularity, structured design, data specification, functional specification, verification, documentation, software maintenance. Software support tools. Software project organization. Quality assurance, management and communication skills.

CSE 4201:

Instrumentation and control(3 hours per week, 3 credits. Final examination: 3 hours, 100 marks)

CSE 4202:

Instrumentation and control Lab(4 hours per week, 2 credits. Final examination: 3 hours, 100 marks)

CSE 4203:

Artificial Intelligence: (3 hours per week, 3 credits. Final examination: 3 hours, 100 marks)

Survey of concept in artificial intelligent. Knowledge representation, searches and control techniques. all machines and features of LISP and PROLOG languages. Problem representation: search, inference and learning intelligent systems, system of general problem solving, game playing expert consultation concept formation and natural languages processing, and translation, some expert systems.

CSE 4204:

Artificial Intelligence Lab: (4 hours per week, 2 credits. Final examination:
6 hours,100 marks)

 Laboratory works based on CSE 4201.

 CSE 4205:

Computer Graphics: (3 hours per week, 3 credits. Final examination: 3 hours,100 marks)

 Introduction to graphical data processing fundamental of interactive graphic programming . Architecture of display devices and connectivity to a computer. Implementation of graphics concepts of two dimensional and three dimensional viewing, clipping and transformation. Hidden line algorithms. Raster graphics concepts, Architecture, algorithms and other image synthesis methods. Design of interactive graphic conversion.

CSE 4206:

Computer Graphics Lab: (4 hours per week, 2 credits. Final examination: 6
hours,100 marks)

 Laboratory works based on CSE 4205.

 CSE 4207:

Computer and Society: (3 hours per week, 3 credits. Final examination: 3 hours, 100 marks)

Application of the digital computer to the analysis and synthesis of physical, social

cultural economics, and environmental process and systems, History of computing
and effects of computers on society. Study of practical problems emphasizing research
and investigation.

 CSE 4000:

Project ::( 3 credits, 100 marks)

 Study of problems in the fields of computer science and computer applications directly supervised under a faculty member by each student.

CSE 4208 :

Optional subjects CSE 4208.1 - CSE 4208.7 : (3 hours per week, 3 credits. Final examination : 3 hours, 100 marks)

** Students have to choose one from these courses.

CSE 4208.1 :

Pattern Recognition : (3 hours per week, 3 credits. Final examination : 3 hours, 100 marks)

Introduction to pattern recognition : features classification, learning;

Statistical methods and hybrid method, applications to speech recognition, remote sensing and biomedical area, Learning algorithms;

Syntactic approach.

Introduction to pattern grammars and languages, Parsing techniques, Pattern recognition in computer aided design.

CSE 4208.2 :

Computer Aided Design : (3 hours per week, 3 credits. Final examination : 3 hours, 100 marks)

Fundamentals of CAD : Cartesian, polar and cylindrical coordinates, transformation translation, rotation advantages of CAD; Two dimensional drawing : line, circle, polygon and other two dimensional drawing, three dimensional drawing; Application packages : Auto CAD, 3D Studio, ORCAD etc.

CSE 4208.3:

Neural Networks: ( 3 hours per week, 3 credits. Final Examination: 3 hours, 100 marks)

Hopfield Model: Associative memory, Stochastic Networks, Correlated patterns. Introduction: Neuroscience, history and issues. Optimization Problems: weighted matching problem, traveling salesman problem. Neural Network, Freed Forward Network, Multi-layer network. Unsupervised Learning: Hebbian Learning, Competitive Learning.

CSE 4208.4:

Fault Tolerant Computing: (3 hours per week, 3 credits. Final examination: 3 hours, 100 marks)

Introduction to Fault Tolerant Systems and Architectures. Fault detection and location in combinational and sequential circuits; Fault test generation for combinational and sequential circuits; Digital simulation as a diagnostic tool. Automatic test pattern generator. Fault modeling; Automatic test equipment. Fault in memory, memory test pattern and reliability. Performance monitoring, self checking circuit. Burst error correction and triple modular redundancy; maintenance processors.

CSE 4208.5:

Computer Architecture: (3 hours per week, 3 credits. Final examination: 3 hours, 100 marks)

Pipelined machines, interleaved memory system, caches. Hardware and architectural issues of parallel machines. Array processors, multiprocessors, systolic processor, data flow computers and interconnection networks. High level language concept of computer architecture.

CSE 4208.6:

Simulation & modeling: (3 hours per week, 3 credits. Final examination: 3 hours, 100 marks)

Simulation methods, model bulding, random number generaor, statisticalanalysisof results,validation and verification techniques. Digital simulation of continious systems. Simulation and analytical methods for analysis of computer systems and practical problem in business and practice. Introduction to the simulation packges.

CSE 4208.7:

E-commerce: (3 hours per week, 3 credits. Final examination: 3 hours, 100 marks)

Course Coordinator
School of Computer Science & Engineering


Credit Hours

1st Semester


Course Title

Course Code

Credit Hour


Computer Fundamentals




Computer Fundamentals Lab








Physics-1 Lab




Intensive English Language Course (IELC)






2nd Semester


Course Title

Course Code

Credit Hour


Computer Programming-1




Computer Programming- Lab








Computer Programming-11




Computer Programming-11- Lab

CSE -1202





3rd Semester


Course Title

Course Code

Credit Hour






Digital Systems




Digital Systems Lab

CSE -1206




MATH -1102



Business Studies

BBA -1102





4th Semester


Course Title

Course Code

Credit Hour


English Foundation Course




Electronic Device & Circuits




Electronic Device & Circuits Lab




Data Structure




Data Structure Lab








5th Semester


Course Title

Course Code

Credit Hour


Discrete Mathematics




Mathematics-III (Matrices & Vectors)

MATH -1207







Object Oriented Programming




Object Oriented Programming Lab-I(C++)

CSE -3102





6th Semester


Course Title

Course Code

Credit Hour


Computer Organization




Computer Organization Lab




Database System




Database System Lab




Mathematics-4 (Lab lace

Transformation & Fourier Series)

MATH -2207





7th Semester


Course Title

Course Code

Credit Hour






Assembly Language Programming Lab








Algorithms Lab




Micro Computer & Micro Processors




Micro Computer & Micro Processors- Lab






8th Semester


Course Title

Course Code

Credit Hour


Numerical Methods




Information Systems




Operating System




Operating System Lab




Data Communications






9th Semester


Course Title

Course Code

Credit Hour


Computer Network




Computer Network Lab




Software Engineering




Object Oriented Programming Lab-II (Java)




Peripheral & Interfacing




Peripheral & Interfacing Lab

CSE- 4102







Course Title

Course Code

Credit Hour


VLSI Design




Instrumentation & Control




Instrumentation & Control Lab




Compiler Design




Compiler Design Lab






11th Semester


Course Title

Course Code

Credit Hour


Engineering Drawing




Management Accounting




Project ( Oracle, Developer)




Artificial Intelligence





12th Semester


Course Title

Course Code

Credit Hour


Artificial Intelligence Lab




Computer Graphics




Computer Graphics Lab




E- Commerce




Project ( Oracle, Developer)


